How would counselling benefit me?
Counselling provides you with a space to talk openly and freely about what’s going on for you. The non-judgemental atmosphere is combined with experience around mental health and SEN in order to make it a safe and natural experience along with providing theoretical knowledge and appropriate strategies.
Will it mess my head up?!
It requires courage to tackle our problems, but the pace and agenda is set by you. If you don’t want to talk about something specific, you don’t have to. A good counsellor will acknowledge difficult areas but leave you in the driving seat. In addition the counsellor is able to observe and challenge without seeming to be critical or motive driven.
Is what I say confidential?
Confidentiality underpins the therapeutic potential of counselling. In accordance with the BACP code of ethics, your confidentiality is of prime importance. This means that any notes and contact details are stored appropriately. The only other person who gets to hear about your material are supervisors, and here a similar confidential agreement underpins this relationship. The only time a confidence will be broken is if the counsellor has significant reason to believe you are in danger of hurting yourself or others, or where the law requires it.
What advice will you give me?
In a word, none. Counsellors are not there to tell you how or what to do, rather to help you understand for yourself what the options are.
What if I get emotional - I rarely cry?
You are not required to “get emotional” in counselling, but you won’t be judged if you do. Importantly, you’ll be in an environment where your emotions can be expressed safely and explored.
When are appointments available?
Various appointments are available including evenings and weekends. Please contact me for up to date availability.
How much does it cost?
Sessions last 50 minutes.
Counselling - £45 per session.
Couples counselling - £50 per session.
Transaction Analysis Therapy - £70 per session
How many sessions do I need?
It is completely up to you to decide as and when you feel ready to end sessions. Equally, the choice is yours about how frequently you wish to attend, (weekly, fortnightly, monthly etc).
Do you offer online sessions?
How do I pay for sessions?
Session fees can be paid by cash, cheque, bank transfer or pay pal before each session.